Posted on 4/27/2020

Making Customer & Employee Health a Top Priority with Ozone Disinfectants In an effort to combat the virus, JC’s British & 4x4 is using Ozone Disinfectants to sanitize vehicles and our buildings. Customer and employee safety is our top priority and we want to ensure that we are all safe. So, we are offering ozone disinfectant services to customers who are concerned with their vehicles. Come in and have a cup of coffee while we disinfect the entire inside of your vehicle. This service takes only 15 minutes of running the ozone generator in your vehicle. Our facilities are treated nightly with a two hour run time of our larger ozone generators. We still use hand sanitizers and spray disinfectants for spot treatment throughout the day as ozone can only be used in unoccupied spaces. Given what we have been told as to how easily COVID-19 can be spread it is crucial to disinfect areas that you frequently come into contact with - which include ... read more
Posted on 11/28/2018

If you would have told me a year ago that a car brand would be a life changing motivator, I would have told you that you were crazy. Since immersing myself in the Land Rover brand, I have found it to be so much more than just a vehicle. Rather a true extension of an adventurous lifestyle. The History of Land Rover and its dedicated followers really caught my attention. So many seemingly ordinary people taking what started as a farm truck on epic ventures. I read about people like Barbara Toy who took her Series I, Pollyanna, on solo excursions through Africa, the Middle East, across Asia, and even around the world. Later reading an article on Bristol Foster and Robert Bateman being reunited with their long-lost Grizzly Torque, a 1957 ambulance built by Land Rover, that had been lost for decades somewhere in Can ... read more
Posted on 4/5/2017

We like to give back where we can, and support great local causes and non-profits. We have donated not only in dollars, but in our own time volunteering to help out when possible. Arapahoe Search & Rescue, The Arapahoe Rescue Patrol is a search and rescue team based in Arapahoe County, Colorado. Composed entirely of young adults currently in high school, the members of the Patrol have provided “free search, rescue, and emergency services for the citizens of Colorado’s front range and throughout all of Colorado since 1957.” Set Them Free, Inc. is a non-profit fund raising organization created for the purpose of funding the rescue and rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking. Our mission is simply, “Set the victims of human trafficking fr ... read more
Posted on 6/21/2016

Did you know that your engine can be overheating with you even knowing it! Yes, that's potentially true – and can have dire consequences. Here's why, for a coolant sensor to be accurate, it must have coolant flowing past it. If you have a coolant leak or complete loss of coolant, your coolant temperature sensor and therefore gauge will not react properly. In the winter there are often some simple signs that your coolant is low, particularly you often will notice that your heater is not blowing hot air. But come summer, that little warning of no heat from your vents goes unnoticed, pair that with running the A/C which pumps even more heat into the engine, and you can have catastrophic engine failure come up faster than you realize. Yes, some vehicle have coolant level sensors to warn you of low coolant level, but they don't always work reliably. And with the abundance of plastic engine (and cooling system) components in use today, some age and time cou ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2015

News JC’s has just launched our new website, we hope you find it useful and well laid out. Owner Jeff Corwin has recently returned from Peterson’s 4 Wheel & Off-Road’s, Ultimate Adventure 2015. Jeff is one of 6 magazine readers invited to this event, and the 1st Land Rover invited since the adventures inception in 1999. Look for an in depth article chronicling Jeff, and co-driver Chris’s adventures. Tech Tips To quote John Snow from Game of Thrones “Winter is coming” Yup, I’m writing this now in the middle of Summer, because as we all know Winter can come quick and hard to Colorado. Here in Colorado winter is much different than other areas of the country, the high altitude and dry air make everything more extreme. Daily temperature swings are often 30-40 degrees, humi ... read more
Posted on 4/4/2008

News An India based company called Tata has acquired Land Rover & Jaguar from Ford Motors, announced in March, the sale price was about $2.3billion. Only time will tell how this will affect the marquee, but they did get backing from both Rover & Jaguar workers unions, and have said they will hold true to tradition. In Feb 08, I’ve brought back my apprentice (Drew Wheeler) from my 1st year of running the shop, I had been trying to get him back on occasion over the last year or so, and finally he agreed to leave Corvettes Only to rejoin us here. Tech Tips With most vehicles, running the recommended octane gas will maximize performance and gas mileage. This is due to multiple engine sensors and programming that can make use of that octane rating. But, many customers ask us if their vehicles require that higher octane rating, and the answer is really no. Those same sensors & programming allow yo ... read more