Posted on 8/20/2018

Mile-Hi Jeep Club is a non-profit organization, 501c(7), that combines the love of off-road with the drive to keep the sport alive. They strive to educate their members on the necessity of proper trail use, the importance of protecting and preserving the beauty of the trails they use and assist in search & rescue and other humanitarian missions around the state on a voluntary basis. For the last 52 years, Mile-Hi Jeep Club has hosted the All-4-Fun event. Bringing together hundreds of like minded off-road enthusiasts to enjoy a week of wheeling and other vendor sponsored events, including safety and recovery demos. The location varies from year to year, offering a chance to hit trails all over Colorado. As expected by their name, it is a predominately Jeep event. For the second year, JC’s once again infiltrated the Jeep community. Originally planned for Silverton this year, JC’s had only planned to sponsor the kids’ games, an event held during the Vendor Show to in ... read more
Posted on 5/18/2017

Since late 2016, I’ve been working on importing an Australian Land Rover Perentie 6×6. As you may recall, we had a customer bring one in earlier in 2016, and I was pretty enamored with the vehicle. So after more research on the Perentie, I decided that the 6×6 flat bed variant would be perfect for us, as it is the only Perentie that comes with the turbocharged 3.9l Isuzu engine, and would be a great platform for any future modifications or use. Not only did I get the Perentie as a cool shop and marketing vehicle, but going through the importing process is part of the knowledge I need for our shop expansion into vehicle sales as I am hoping to bring more of these great and unique Rovers to the states. Here’s some more information from Wikipedia one the Land Rover Perentie. So, after months of waiting (th ... read more
Posted on 7/26/2016

I’ve been wanting to put together an off-road trip for quite a while, and it finally came together with a little push from a long time customer. Thanks Dirk! Ok, I’m going to back up a second and explain why the name “Rover Riders” in the title. The Rover Riders were a club and group of Land Rover off-road enthusiasts that was started many years ago. That club was absorbed by the Solihull Society, the other and still current Land Rover club in Colorado, and the name was lost. I thought the name too cool to let go, and while I have no plans to create another (or competing) club, it was perfect to put it to use as a Facebook group This trip is the 1st time I created an event in that group, and invited some friends and customers of the shop. So it came to pass, that on Saturday July 23rd, 2016, our group of 8 vehicles gathered at JC’s British & 4×4 to head out for some high altitude adventure ... read more
Posted on 10/15/2015

News Our new website has only been up a month or so now, we hope you find it useful and well laid out. The magazine issue for Perterson’s 4 Wheel & Off-Road’s, Ultimate Adventure 2015 has come out on the newsstands. And I’m very happy with the coverage our Rover has gotten. Jeff is one of 6 magazine readers invited to this event, and the 1st Land Rover invited since the adventures inception in 1999.JC’s is continuing to expand, in September we have added two new employees. Trish Brown is our new front desk Service Advisor; she comes to us from Las Vegas where she was a service advisor and manager for Kensington Motor Cars, a Rover and British specialty shop. Nathan McGraw has joined our team of technicians; he is an ASE certified technician hailing from Colorado Springs with many years of general auto repair ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2005

By Kelly Anne Corwin There ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them. Mark Twain I am lucky in the fact that my husband does not like sports. I am not forced to deal with him and a bunch of his buddies screaming in front of our television set on Sunday’s. Instead, I am forced to deal with him and a bunch of his buddies trying to drive their mammoth vehicles up the side of a mountain. My husband is into off-roading. The definition of this term would be….men and women who enjoy taking their trucks places where no car should ever dare venture. An example of this would be an old mining road, as well as a field of boulders. In fact, just about any place is fair game for these adventurers. I don’t remember exactly how my husband got into this hobby but he was (and still is) determined to get me to love it just as much as he does. I remember ... read more