We like to give back where we can, and support great local causes and non-profits. We have donated not only in dollars, but in our own time volunteering to help out when possible.
Arapahoe Search & Rescue, The Arapahoe Rescue Patrol is a search and rescue team based in Arapahoe County, Colorado. Composed entirely of young adults currently in high school, the members of the Patrol have provided “free search, rescue, and emergency services for the citizens of Colorado’s front range and throughout all of Colorado since 1957.”
Set Them Free, Inc. is a non-profit fund raising organization created for the purpose of funding the rescue and rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking. Our mission is simply, “Set the victims of human trafficking free.” We exist with the goal of ending human trafficking globally. Our purpose is to raise money for those rescuing and rehabilitating the victims of human trafficking as well changing culture and laws around the world.
Stay the Trail, Our mission is to reinforce and highlight responsible OHV use, and to modify and mitigate irresponsible use in an effort to minimize resource damage on public land. Our goal is to create a statewide culture of responsible OHV use which will continue beyond the life of the project, effectively creating a stewardship ethic among all Colorado OHV recreationists.
In addition to great causes like these, we also support Land Rover special events such as the Land Rover National Rally and Western National Land Rover Rally, as well as some local Colorado off road events such as All-4-Fun.